Mother's Day is yet another powerful day to express gratitude. I hope my mother is able to feel my gratitude toward her on a daily basis and especially on this day. If selfless could have a face, it would be my mother's. She is a giver, always thinking of others from her personal life to her professional one. She has taught me so much and given me such an amazing friendship that I will cherish forever. Thank you Mom for being the best mother a girl could ask for!
This day also allows me to focus on being a mother. I like to think of the moments in my journey as a mother that may seem challenging. Those are the moments that make my gratitude spike to new levels. People ask me all of the time or actually tell me, "I don't know how you do it." And when I stop and think about it I seem to draw the energy from those most challenging moments. Having those moments allows more opportunity for education and growth. It also helps me to ground myself in that moment and change the energy. I am a healer, this does not mean that I heal others. It means I help individuals to remember how to heal themselves. For my children, my goal is to have them never forget this ability as they become active participants in society. Challenging moments as a mother help to create those opportunities and for that I am most grateful.
And the hugs and snuggles just make my already full heart just explode with joy!
I am wishing you the very best Mother's Day and a joyful week to follow.